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About Me

My life was not difficult, but it was not simple either. Looking back on it, it was simply that, life. While I never smoked, did drugs, or drank, I had a lot of anger and loneliness. After many years of being an atheist and rebuking Christians and their testimonies, I finally came to accept Jesus in 2014 (+/-). This was when I met the man that would become my husband. I noticed that he was different from other men, and he brought me to church. I remember that day.
I stood on the steps and I started staring at the church doors. My husband was at the top step and encouraged me to enter while I just stayed on the bottom step and stared. I thought I was going to be struck by lightening (joking, but not really).
Well, that certainly didn't happen. But what did happen, was that my hunger for God, and the truth grew exponentially. I started by reading the Bible every day. I would sit down with a cup of coffee on my end table, and the Bible in my hand. This is how I came up with the idea for the name of my page, "Coffee with the Cross".
I started preaching in 2017. By 2019, I had the idea for this blog, but had no idea how to go about it. Well, over the fourth of July weekend of 2021, I finally started the process. I wanted to keep this website as minimal as possible. I want this blog to be a go-to source for Christians and "almost Christians" alike. However, this blog should never replace the source- the Holy Bible!