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Maeghan Dos Anjos
Mar 10, 20245 min read
Promise Keeper
Keeping promises sometimes leads to a broken promise. However, I know of One who always keeps His promises.
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Maeghan Dos Anjos
Jun 11, 20236 min read
Even Non-Believers, Believe
June 11, 2023— Power and pride. These are the things that get to mankind. Give someone power and you will see if his heart is righteous...
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Maeghan Dos Anjos
May 7, 20235 min read
Raising Lazarus
Lazarus was raised from the dead by Jesus Christ. Why was this necessary?
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Maeghan Dos Anjos
Jan 15, 20238 min read
Now What?
January 15, 2023— Having been dunked in water for a few seconds, whether it was a pool, a river, a lake or even the ocean, you arise a...
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Maeghan Dos Anjos
Jan 1, 20236 min read
Finding Jesus
One of the most well-known bible verses is broken down for your understanding. What did Jesus mean in John 14:1?
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Maeghan Dos Anjos
Dec 18, 20225 min read
The Millennial Kingdom
December 18, 2022—A prince of peace will one day come to this earth and will reign. His kingdom will consist of people from all walks of...
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Maeghan Dos Anjos
Dec 4, 20228 min read
I Went to Heaven
December 4, 2022—After passing through death, Jesus Christ stood in front of His disciples and gave them instructions about what they...
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Maeghan Dos Anjos
Nov 22, 20225 min read
Judgement Day
November 22, 2022—At last week’s article, I wrote about why people die, and what happens to their body, spirit and soul. That article was...
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Maeghan Dos Anjos
Jun 26, 20226 min read
Understanding Revelation and the Two Witnesses
Does the book of Revelation confuse you? Check this article for some direction on the two witnesses.
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Maeghan Dos Anjos
Sep 5, 20214 min read
My Spiritual Gift: Prophecy
To my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, there are spiritual gifts that you have access to, and they are manifested through the Holy...
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Maeghan Dos Anjos
Aug 21, 20213 min read
Healing for Christians
The past few weeks, I have been writing articles on the spiritual gifts of wisdom, knowledge and faith. These spiritual gifts are...
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Maeghan Dos Anjos
Aug 15, 20214 min read
Having Faith
For the past few weeks, my articles in Coffee with the Cross have been focusing on the spiritual gifts of God that are manifested through...
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Maeghan Dos Anjos
Aug 7, 20215 min read
The Power of Knowledge
Last week on July 30, 2021, I posted the “Seek Wisdom, But Find Understanding?” regarding the spiritual gift of wisdom that is manifested...
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